fredag 16 april 2010

Stepping up!

Death Korps of Krieg to 1750!

A little unsure on what to bring, have been toying some with the following...

1750 #1

Company Command Squad w. 4 Meltaguns, Astropath
-Chimera (ML, HFlamer)

Veterans w. 3 Meltaguns x3
-Chimera (ML, HFlamer) x3
Veterans w. 3 Flamers
-Chimera (ML, HFlamer)

Vendetta, HeavyB x2

Leman Russ Demolisher w. Plasma Cannon Sponsons x2
Hydra x2

1750 #2

Company Command Squad w. 3 Meltaguns, Astropath, Medic, Carapace, Bodyguard, Straken
-Chimera (ML, HFlamer)

Guardswoman NATYA

Veterans w. 3 Meltaguns x2
-Chimera (ML, HFlamer) x2
Infantry Platoon
-Command w. 3 Plasma Guns
-Infantry squad w. 1 Flamer x2
-Chimera (ML, HFlamer) x2

Vendetta x2

Leman Russ Demolisher w. Plasma Cannon Sponsons x2

1750 #3

Company Command Squad w. 3 Meltaguns, Astropath, Medic, Carapace, Bodyguard x2, Straken
-Chimera (ML, HFlamer)

Guardswoman NATYA

Veterans w. 3 Meltaguns x3
-Chimera (ML, HFlamer) x3
Infantry Platoon
-Command w. 3 Plasma Guns
-Infantry squad w. 1 Flamer x2
-Chimera (ML, HFlamer)

Vendetta x3

Leman Russ Demolisher
Hydra x2

Infantry Flamers will ride the Vendettas, Straken will punish anyone coming to close.

I will probably have everything painted up for some customization (have5RRs+Commisar on horse, but they are really bad). Extras I will have: Valkyrie parts (magnets), different Russ turrets, maybe 2 Manticores and 2 Medusas, 1 priest.

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