söndag 28 november 2010

Two comp lists

I missed a tournament with composition limit of 60, using the swedish composition model, which you can find here: http://svenska40k.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=2582

But that didn't stop me from musing on potential list.

I came up with two, using my collection of Dark Angels/Space Lions. Mostly I try to abuse the cheapness of the Iron Priest on TWM to hide a cheapish Lord.

List 1

Wolf Lord -7
Wolf Claw, Storm Shield, ThunderWolf Mount, 2 Wolves

Wolf Lord -7
Wolf Claw, Storm Shield, ThunderWolf Mount, 2 Wolves

Logan Grimnar -9

Iron Priest -1
-Wolftooth Necklace, Thunderwolf Mount, 4x Cyberwolves

Iron Priest -1
-Wolftooth Necklace, Thunderwolf Mount, 4x Cyberwolves

Wolf Guard [10] -6
- (2) Terminator w. Cyclone

Wolf Guard [5] -4
- Terminator w. Cyclone

Wolf Guard [5] -4
- Terminator w. Cyclone

Long Fangs [6] -6
- Missile LAunchers (5)

KOMP: 60

Total: 1695, need to spend 55 points (some of em to differentiate the lords)

List 2

Wolf Lord -7
Frost Blade, Storm Shield, ThunderWolf Mount, 2 Wolves

Wolf Lord -7
Wolf Claw, Storm Shield, ThunderWolf Mount, Meltabomb, 2 Wolves

Wolf Lord -7
Wolf Claw, Storm Shield, ThunderWolf Mount, Saga of the Beastslayer, 2 Wolves

Iron Priest -1
-Wolftooth Necklace, Thunderwolf Mount, 4x Cyberwolves

Iron Priest -1
-Wolftooth Necklace, Thunderwolf Mount, 4x Cyberwolves

Iron Priest -1
-Wolftooth Necklace, Thunderwolf Mount, 4x Cyberwolves

Grey Hunters [5] -3
- Meltagun
- Razorback w. Lascannon, TL-Plasma -2

Grey Hunters [5] -3
- Meltagun, Power Sword
- Razorback w. Lascannon, TL-Plasma -2

Grey Hunters [5] -3
- Meltagun
- Razorback w. Lascannon, TL-Plasma -2 75

Long Fangs [6] -6
- Missile Launchers (5)

KOMP: 58 (105-47)1750

Latest tournament list

Played in a swedish tourney with the swedish composition system.

The Comp points were set to 25, 1750points, 3 games with composition not really affecting anything beside army building. Link to swedish comp model here: http://svenska40k.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=2582

I played:

Space Lions (Space Wolves with Dark Angels riding on horses instead of wolves)

Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf -
Wolf Lord Dragoon -Frag and krak grenades, Thunder Wolf, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Runic Armour, Fenrisian Wolves [2]
Wolf Lord Zaknefiel - Frag and krak grenades, Thunder Wolf, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armour, Fenrisian Wolves [2]

Wolf Guard Pack [10] 8 w. Frag and krak grenades, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, 2 w. Terminator armor, Power Weapon, Storm bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcher, 1 Combi-Melta
Wolf Guard Pack [5] 4 w. Frag and krak grenades, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, 1 w. Terminator armor, Power Weapon, Storm bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Wolf Guard Pack [5] 4 w. Frag and krak grenades, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, 1 w. Terminator armor, Power Weapon, Storm bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcher

Fast Attack:
Thunder Wolf Cavalry [2] 1 w. Power Fist

Long Fangs [5] All w. Close combat weapon, Frag and krak grenades, 4 w. Missile Launchers, Leader with Bolt pistol
Long Fangs [5] All w. Close combat weapon, Frag and krak grenades, 4 w. Missile Launchers, Leader with Bolt pistol
Long Fangs [4] All w. Close combat weapon, Frag and krak grenades, 3 w. Missile Launchers, Leader with Bolt pistol

The list worked good and I got the chance to play against the new Dark Eldar which spurred my enthusiasm for my next project... Drawed in first game against mech Imperial Guard, mostly due to sucky diff and fleet rolles for wolfstar. Won the next against orks very big and had another major win against Dark Eldar. Landed me on second place out of 18. I think I'm beginning to grasp 5th ed.

Nest up: some idea of a combination of Slaanesh, Eldar and Dark Eldar. Time to get good at painting I suppose.